Registration & Fees

Registration for the SUMMER 2024/25 Season is now OPEN. REGISTER here

Summer Season commences in week 1 of Term 4, and concludes at the end of Term 1, 2025. Summer Playing Dates can be found here

PLAYER NUMBER LIMITATIONSOnce again we will be setting limits on our numbers of players/teams. Waverley are at team number capacity, and as a Club we are at training court capacity. Once the Age Group limit is met, a waitlist will be established.

Please note the age cut-offs for Summer – players must be under 8/10/12/14/16/18/20 by 30th April 2025 in order to play under that age in the Summer 2024/25 season. For example, if the player turns 10 in April 2025, the player must play under 12 in the Summer season.

U8 01/05/2017 – 30/04/2020
U10 01/05/2015 – 30/04/2017
U12 01/05/2013 – 30/04/2015
U14 01/05/2011 – 30/04/2013
U16 01/05/2009 – 30/04/2011
U18 01/05/2007 – 30/04/2009
U20 01/05/2005 – 30/04/2007

Points system to continue. Players from Rep will accrue WBA Player Points from the current 2023/24 Rep Season. A maximum of 30 points will apply to any one team. Player Points Policy can be found here

REGISTRATION & FEESRegistration closes on Sunday 4th August  (or earlier if Age Groups are full).  Registrations received after this date will be placed on a wait list, and only if a spot becomes available, will be subject to a $20 late registration fee. Our fees for Summer 24/25 season are remaining at $390, with a sibling discount of 2% or $7.80 (if applicable this is applied automatically).

Every player is required to have a Basketball Victoria 12-month registration. This $29 fee is automatically applied for new players or for players where it is due to expire during the Winter 24 Season.

Basketball Australia – Game Development Levy

From the 1st January 2024 Basketball Australia has introduced a $5.50 game development levy (paid once per year) that will be applied during the registration process – payable directly to Basketball Australia. This levy will go towards the development of priority areas to support players, coaches, officials and volunteers.

UNIFORM DEADLINE – 11th AUGUST Uniforms can be ordered from our supplier X8 Sports via:

Uniform Orders must be in by the 11th August to ensure delivery in time by the start of next season. Please allow a few days after registration to receive a log in for the uniform store. If you have not received confirmation that you have a log in set up you can email [email protected] to follow up. All players must have a Malvern Tigers singlet and shorts for game day, and there is also other great merchandise to purchase from our store.